Nightshades: The Inflammatory Secret of Paleo Cuisine

Nightshades are the secret inflammation-causing problem of paleo. Many people have never even heard of nightshades… I know this term was completely foreign to me when I started paleo.

So what are nightshades?

Nightshades are a family of vegetation that uses different levels of toxicity as protection. Many nightshades are poisonous, but several are used in everyday cooking.

Edible nightshades:

White potatoes



Peppers (both sweet and spicy)

Spices created from these ingredients

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While normal bodies have no problem with the small levels of toxicity found in these foods, people with autoimmune disorders, and some people without, often have increased sensitivity to nightshades. We are unable to fully process nightshades, and we can experience some pretty intense symptoms when we eat them. These may include “diarrhea, gas, bloating, nausea, painful joints, headaches, and depression.” Doesn’t that sound like your autoimmune symptoms?

Cutting out nightshades can be a critical step to gut healing. I cut out nightshades completely for 6 months. I now eat tomatoes about once a week, but I am still fairly wary of peppers and only save them for special occasions. For me, potatoes never caused a problem. Everyone is different and foods affect everyone differently. This may be my new mantra.

Try cutting out nightshades and see if it can help your health. If you’re not sure these foods cause you issues, at least gain enough information to make an informed decision. Below are the resources I used for this post. Check them out for more information.

My Resources:

Paleo Treats

So today, one of my favorite topics: Paleo Treats. Eating paleo is all about health and combating inflammation through delicious nutrient-rich ingredients.

However, every once in a while we all have to succumb to our sweet cravings, and there are paleo options! I have a huge sweet tooth… sorry I’m not sorry. Honey and cocoa are still better than refined sugars and processed baking mixes, right?

I try to eat Whole 30 during the week and save my paleo treats for the weekends, but snow days are definitely exceptions. Today’s exception was primal fudge…. which turned out AMAZING. Even my husband couldn’t get enough. Thank you practical paleo!


The best way to find paleo treats is through pinterest and blogs. My pinterest page is full of delicious recipes that I use consistently or still want to try out. You can simply type in paleo treats, paleo cookies, paleo cakes, or paleo ice cream and search through the recipes for something that suits your cravings and tolerances. Hint: This also works for other paleo cravings like bread or snacks.

People have already created the recipes; you only have to try them out. Some are delicious and some are not so great. With more complicated recipes, it can take a few tries before you are able to perfect them. But…Never feel like you don’t have any recipe options. There is always something already out there. Unless you have a real desire to become a professional paleo baker, there is no need to recreate the wheel.

I let the experts do the heavy lifting and use their resources to trick my friends and family into thinking they are eating their favorite inflammatory delicacies… I personally do not tolerate any kind of nut flour or nut milk, so I usually stick to recipes created from coconut flour and coconut milk. Every once in a while I will branch out and try some nut-based recipes, but the majority of the recipes are coconut-based. Usually, people never miss “the real thing”, because they love my desserts made with real ingredients.

Simple recipes with simple ingredients help keep grocery costs low. Some paleo recipes can get really complicated, really quickly. The more special ingredients needed, the higher the cost of the dessert. I was never a great baker before my diagnosis, and I doubt I will ever possess real talent in the kitchen. I usually use simple recipes with minimal ingredients. This was especially helpful when I first started on the diet and was confused about many paleo ingredients. If I want to try a recipe with foreign ingredients, I make sure to research the ingredients and find the least costly way to buy it.

If you are looking for a paleo dessert for a special occasion or just a yummy treat, here are some delicious recipes I rely on constantly. Many contain Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips that aren’t exactly paleo, but are allergy-free and created with organic cane sugar. None of the following pictures are mine… maybe someday I’ll become a photographer.

Sweet Tea: Substitute your normal sugar-filled tea for a tea sweetened with palm sugar or honey. Simply switch out the amount of sugar called for in a recipe with the same amount of one of these healthier ingredients.

sweet tea

Paleo Brownies: The best recipe I have found yet. It is especially good covered with banana ice cream. You can add nuts or Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips if you want.

coconut brownies

Banana Ice Cream: This was a pinterest recipe. One frozen banana combined in a blender with a quarter cup of coconut milk and whatever flavoring you desire. My favorites:

  • Cherry Vanilla: frozen cherries and a dash of vanilla
  • Chocolate: a tablespoon of cocoa powder
  • Chunky Monkey: walnuts and Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips
  • Chocolate “Peanut” Butter: a tablespoon cocoa powder and then mix in sunbutter with a spoon
  • Banana Sorbet: Just add more frozen fruit after blending the first time. Only pulse a few times for chunky fruit or hold down for a super-blended treat.

banana ice cream

Blueberry Syrup: Combine a bag of squished frozen blueberries or a pint of squished fresh blueberries with a dash of vanilla and a quarter cup of honey (add or subtract based on your taste) in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and then let simmer until it takes on a thicker syrup-like consistency. Thanks dad for creating it!


Chocolate Fondue: This one is really easy and probably not paleo.

  • Melt Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips and dip whatever fruit you want in the delicious goodness. I suggest strawberries, bananas, and pineapple.


Paleo Vanilla Flag Cake: If I can make it, you can make it. Mangia Paleo is wonderful and creates delicious food. This cake is super moist, fluffy, and delicious.

paleo flag cake

Date Rolls: My mother found coconut date balls at grocery store when I was interviewing for grad school. When we came home, my mother-in-law recreated them in her kitchen and we have never looked back.

  • Combine fresh, pitted dates in the food processor with a drizzle of honey. Feel free to add more honey if you want more sweetness. Pulse until the pieces are small enough to stick together. Roll the dates into inch-sized balls. Roll each ball in shredded coconut. Enjoy!

coconut date balls

‘Peanut’ Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies: Against all Grain is my favorite resource for every type of recipe. I suggest you buy both of her books and her ebooks. This recipe is super easy to make and something that I love to have on hand for snacking, with or without chocolate chips.


Chocolate ‘Coconut Macaroons’: They taste just like girl scout cookies. I make this recipe so often I don’t remember where I found it. It is definitely not my own and thank you to whoever created it! It is so easy and a huge success with non-paleo people. Sometimes, it even convinces them to come over to the semi-paleo side. 🙂

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and rub a lot coconut oil or palm shortening over a cookie sheet. If you don’t do this, the cookies will stick. Mix one cup of enjoy life chocolate chips, one cup of shredded coconut, one egg, and one tablespoon of maple syrup together in a bowl. Scoop a spoonful size of cookie mix on the pan until the bowl is empty. Bake for 8-10 minutes, until the chocolate is melted and the coconut is just turning brown. Allow them to cool and enjoy!

coconut macaroons

Smoothies: This one has no guilt. It is completely anti-inflammatory and a great way to start off your day. This was the first treat I added back into my diet and is still my favorite.

  • Add one fresh banana, a handful of frozen blueberries, 5 or 6 frozen cherries (or other berries if tolerated), and a splash of coconut milk to a blender (or nutribullet… I highly recommend one). Enjoy!



Welcome to my blog! I am a graduate student, a newlywed, and a strong believer in using proper medication, diet, and lifestyle to manage chronic illness. When I first decided to try going paleo I was completely lost. I used online resources to create a diet that worked for me, and I hope to share the information I gained with others diagnosed with autoimmune disorders.

So, to begin… What exactly is paleo?

The Paleo Diet was created for today’s busy population to return to the good ole’ days, the caveman days, when all food was natural and nothing was processed. People on the paleo diet eat lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. We avoid inflammatory foods like dairy, grains, soy, refined sugars, legumes, alcohol (ok…I do drink red wine), and processed foods.

paleo blog

For me, as someone diagnosed with an intestinal autoimmune disorder, I also limit the amount of nuts, seeds, nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, white potatoes, eggplant) and raw vegetables in my diet. If you want to take the paleo diet a step further, you can try the autoimmune protocol (AIP) version of the paleo diet.

I, without medical or scientific evidence, highly suggest beginning carefully with foods on the diet that you can tolerate. I began my diet journey closer to AIP and slowly introduced other paleo foods as I became stronger and braver. Changing my diet actually expanded my food choices. I went from eating 10 foods every day, every meal, to eating everything (and more) shown in the pyramid below.

table 1

Everyone is different and foods affect everyone completely differently. The goal is to get to a diet that makes you feel as strong and healthy as possible!

The Amazing Resources I Learned From:



Quick Switches On The Paleo Diet:

White Sugar = Palm Sugar/Honey/Maple Syrup

Rice = Cauliflower Rice

Potatoes = Sweet Potatoes/Mashed Root Veggies

Vegetable/Canola Oil = Coconut Oil/Olive Oil/Avocado Oil

Butter = Ghee

Flour = Almond Flour/Coconut Flour

Mayonnaise = Avocado (There is also paleo mayo)

Milk = Coconut Milk/Almond Milk

Parmesan Cheese = Nutritional Yeast

Soy Sauce = Coconut Aminos + Fish Sauce

Pasta = Spaghetti Squash/Spiralized Zucchini or Squash